Pygmy Press


Included in the 1982 edition of the International Register, the source of the online edition. Details.

ProprietorDan J.
Record keeperDan J.
Address ON Canada

Pygmy Press & Type Foundry was established in 1967, in 2010 the name evolved to Pygment Press.

1 comment about this press

I am doing some research on the typeface Abbey Condensed (later renamed Saunders Condensed). I read that you released this face in a Monotype revival years ago and included information about this research in your prospectus’ to the APA bundles. Is your revival face digital and if so where can it be purchased? I am trying to find out if this face has been digitized? In my quick attempt to find a font download for this, I found that most of the typefaces with the name “Abbey” looked very different than the original letterpress set. Any information on this face would be appreciated.
Thank you,