C&P sometimes doesnt want to complete impression
My C&P (new style, 8x12) makes a somewhat loud clunking noise when making a “deep” impression (on thick paper). I was running Crane lettra, 110b. When I say deep im not trying to show through just bite into the paper. But when I add packing to get to that level, it seems to be clunking when it makes the impression. And last week I had a strange occurrence where the top roller came out of the saddle during a run. I stopped the press check the saddle all looked okay. But it would not (turning by hand) complete the impression. I removed some of the packing and it went thru fine (with a small clunk). So in light of that I put another sheet of packing in and it went thru just fine but then on the next one it would not go (and I did not want to force it.) Is the clunking noise coming from something being wrong? How much packing is too much packing?
What would cause it to throw the top roller? My first thought was that the roller was not setting firmly in the saddle but I I think it was… I also noticed on a friends press that he has a little wire thing that goes thru the two holes (one on each side of the saddle), is this something that I am missing and should have?
Thank so much, I look forward to you ideas and feedback!
One of the first things to check is whether packing on platen is not wider than distance between roller tracks. This would prevent press from closing properly. Cut packing to fit inside rooler tracks.
Roller problem is a separate issue. Causes can include worn saddles, (printers were not known for proper care and lubrication of their presses and equipment), stiff ink, especially in cold weather, springs with insufficient tension to hold roller wheels to the tracks, roller cores too short for the press. Clothes hanger wire cut to proper lengths, and right angle bent at top, then bent at bottom to secure them will help to keep the rollers in the saddles. A flying roller can have disastrous effects on the human skull!
Good Luck and be careful!
I will get some pins in there to make sure the rollers don’t come out again! Wish I had known before!
A lot of my packing is legal size or letter size, It does not extend past the tympan paper. Perhaps I should be using the letter only.
I always start with very little packing, and add in. I think that this was however the one the largest print areas I have tried to print, and maybe it is just really close to max I can do (I don’t plan to try for more ever!)
A loose roller can destroy the press if it falls in and the press closes on it. Those little pieces of coat hanger are essential.
sounds like you had too much packing. for larger plates- try dampening the paper. i soak mine in water for a second- then blot it with a blotter- then put it through the press. on cranes 110#