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Hello! I live in North Tampa, and am interested in learning about letterpress printing. How can you help me?
Do you offer classes? Thanks so much!
hello. i’m in St. Pete and also interested in learning. i don’t have a press of my own yet, do you or do you have access to one? maybe we could get together with the other poster and have a class or two.
hello Brookester, I would be willing to take a class with you depending on the cost. I currently am living in Central America but hope to move back to Tampa near November. Will be there in October though.
I am also interested in learning how to letterpress. I am currently in Orlando, but am willing to drive to the Tampa area. Like Brookester, I don’t have a press yet, but I’d be fine with renting time on one of yours.
I just got a bunch of wood type on ebay, and would love to try letterpress as a new hobby/creative outlet. I am a graphic designer bytrade, but want to get my hands inky…
are you still available for instruction…
I have an Chandler & Price 14 1/2 X 22 super heavy duty craftsman press with automatic feeder. I need to find the delivery arm and feeder arm. I have part book that i can show you what i’m looking for. If you have any of this or known where I can get it call me 305 972-2313 or Email. [email protected]