Help!!! please new to letterpress
Hi, Ive just be lucky enough to have been given this beautiful letterpress and can’t wait to have ago at doing some prints on it no idea how old it is, all parts seem to be moving freely just needs a clean and some new rollers. Small amount of rust on springs and don’t know what i should do about this? There’s no instructions could anyone give any pointers as to where i could look to find information on this press and how to use it? I know its Adana because this is printed on it’s side but i know nothing else about it.
Many thanks (in advance) Dee
Hi Dee,
Where in the world are you?
The picture is almost certainly an Adana HS2. It should have Adana High Speed or HS cast into the side of the body. The type bed measures about 6 x 4 inches.
I would suggest that the chase is also missing, although this press can be used without one. Check to see that you have all four grub screws, two in the top of the bed and two to the left.
You will need rollers and pressure plates or bars to go into the type bed.
I have copies of virtually all the Adana instruction leaflets/booklets and can send on a copy if you would like me to. Send me an address: I am in Southern England.
Mike Willshire-Jacobs
Thanks for that Mike,
I am also in the UK (North Midlands)
If I could possibly have a copy of your Adana leaflet that would be much appreciated. Ill send an email with my address details.
Many Thanks Dee