Ink swap party Tampa, FL area
I had this crazy idea of having an ink swap party for us letterpress folks down in the South. I have an excess of ink now and thought that it might be fun to get together. Each person would bring enough ink for each member of the group and we would all swap inks and wind up with colors we may not normally have. I know it sounds like a crazy idea, but it might be fun. Maybe we can get together at a community center or restaurant and share ideas and stories at the same time. If you’re interested, let me know and maybe something can be arranged. Just an idea :0)
I wish I could be there…but ohio is a long way away. Sounds cool, though; best of luck.
Oh, that sounds like fun. Especially if you could fill up small tubes with the excess ink. Michigan isn’t too far from Ohio…maybe we’ll try that at a future Michigan Letterpress Guild get-together.
OK Short notice…we’re going to try this at the next Michigan Letterpress Guild meeting April 25th. The anticipated host had to cancel and this will take it’s place. See notices area in the classifieds for details.
hmmmmmmmm. I totally will.
Bummer; conference that Saturday from 8-2:30. I hope you all have fun…
rh in ohio