Type Cabinet (25 drawers)

I am selling a great metal type cabinet with around 25 drawers. I am not sure of all the type in it though it is sorted fairly well. I’d prefer to sell the whole thing. Here is what I could identify:

1 drawer FULL of borders and ornaments
1 drawer of em, en, spacers etc all points
10 pt. Copperplate Gothic
18 pt Copperplate Gotchic
12 pt. Palace Script
36 pt. Typo Script
48, 72 pt. Centaur
12 pt. some pretty old ital not sure name of font?
10 pt of some pretty old ital not sure name of font?
60 ? point sans serif not sure name of font?
Franklin Gothic Empire in 36, 48, 60 and 120 pt
12, 18 pt Engravers Shaded
12, 24 pt Lydian possibly other sizes of this too
24 pt Cameo
36 pt Dearborn (pretty)
12 pt Century
6 pt Bernhard
18 pt Bodoni Ital
Various other sans serif fonts and a few italic fonts as well

Make an offer if interested!

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