Good heavy paper in pale blue / monarch envelopes to match?

Hi all,

i’m designing some stationery for my mom. I’m interested in doing a monarch sized vertical card (heavy) with matching envelope, as well as a slightly oversized, 2.5” square enclosure card. I’ve designed a monogram and want to letterpress it in a pretty, dadrk grey-green onto some kind of robin’s egg blue or pale “cloud” color stock.

I’ve searched high and low and it’s hard enough to find a very heavy stock for an enclosure card—i want it to have a lot of presence and not bend—and when you throw on top of that trying to find a line that carries a monarch sized envelope, you’re looking at a hard task!

I’ve ordered some samples, so I’m going to wait til they come in, but I’m now considering using different papers for the card/envelope than for the enclosure card, and just not worry about it.

Nonetheless, I wanted to know if anyone could recommend some good paper to use for letterpress that might work for these applications and have these qualities I need.

Thanks in advance!

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Green Paper Company makes some beautiful monarch envelopes in a lovely range of colors. A list of stockists can be found on their website.

For a good, weighty letterpress stock to print on in pale blue, you could try Pescia by Arturo, or Crane Palette. Mr. French offers a color called Sno Cone in their Muscletone (140 lb coverstock) line.

Good luck.

Thanks, albertine!

I’d actually found Green paper studio myself and wasn’t sure the quality of the paper. I’m glad to hear that it’s good. I ordered some samples.

I’m going to check out this Pescia paper, too, and see if they have it at the art store. And I think I have a French Paper co sample laying around my house somewhere…

Thanks again!

oh and I ordered some Crane samples, too. Excited to get those.