newsstand paperweights

Hello Briar Press - i’m having trouble finding information for
my masters’ thesis and so I’m turning to Briar Press even though my topic is not directly related to letter press in the hopes you or someone you know might be able to help. I’m seeking information on newsstand weights, the usually cast-iron weights that saw their heyday in the 1950s on newsstands across the world, bore the insignia of newspapers, magazines, and corporations like The New York Times, Time, Life, Saturday Evening Post, Buick, and Smith Brothers Cough Drops. My parents’ company manufactured these weights and related advertising and sales promotion materials and we have a collection of several hundred international newsstand weights, plus the company archive including original designs, mahogany maquettes, aprons, caps, bundle cutters, correspondence, news clippings, and more. I’m writing my M.A.
thesis on this topic and seek information of any kind on weights used at newsstands. I’d love to learn of other manufacturers of these newsstand advertising paperweights; speak with people familiar with them; and be directed to written, photographic and other pertinent information. Please contact me at
917-553-4831 or by email. Thank you.

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