Goblin Press
Founded | 2010 |
Registered | 23 Aug 10 (Unconfirmed) |
Record keeper | goblin press |
Address | 2 Sycamore Court, Long Gore, Farncombe. Godalming. Surrey, GU7 3TS UK England |
Profile | I recently acquired an Adana 8 X 5 (earlier version), in a very sorry state. Mr P has reconditioned each individual part and pieced her back together. She came with a similarly-sorry Adana 5 X 3 (Mr P will tend to her soon) and an awful lot of completely mixed-up type (only one complete fount). Her intended use is to produce our own business cards but I envisage some artwork too. I’m not interested in making a business out of her but I do see a lifelong obsession in the making! |