Printasign Machine printing head.

Reynold PRINTASIGN Printing Head. Sears and Wards used to print all their signs with one of two different Reynolds presses. One was a very heavy flat bed press that printed large poster size prints up to 22 x 30 inches. The 2nd press was a mechanical press that the operator printed one letter at a time by using a lever that would drop down thru a printer head and print each letter. This 2nd press was used for printing their smaller signs. The printing head was very heavy and had individual metal “type” for each letter, number and symbol. Each piece of type cost $10 to $15 dollars to replace but usually would last a lifetime. I believe the head with type cost about $2500 back in the ’70s. If any of you need the complete printer head for one of these machines, I have one a used one available for $150. + shipping. It is very heavy. Let me know.

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