New Letterpress Poster
Attached is the photo of the latest letterpress poster from The Dog House Press. The poster is 2 color printed on French Paper Lemon Drop 100lb Cover. Each of the colors is printed from homemade photopolymer plates and printed on my C&P Craftsman 14.5” by 22”. I create my own negatives and print them out on an Epson Workforce 1100 printer using a screen printing inkjet film. I expose the plates in my exposure unit I built from parts available at Home Depot. I mount the plates in the press using a homemade base made from a 12” by 18” piece of phenolic sheet material with a magnetic sheet attached with adhesive. The poster is from the WPA and I found the original photo in the Library of Congress digital collection. I redrew the poster using Adobe Illustrator and a pen tablet. Comments are appreciated.
Thanks, Robert

WPA Number 4 Household Arts.jpg
nice! I’d love to know about your setup I want to rig something up to make plates for fun and profit.