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Located in the Finnish Ostrobothnia area, Printing Museum Välikangas (Välikankaan kirjapainomuseo) offers a working letterpress department along with the museum devoted to the history of letterpess printing. Most of our machines are still operating, and our letterpress machinery collection is one of the biggest in Finland.
Our collection includes:
* Working Intertype and Linotype
* Working Ludlow typesetting machine
(We also have a large collection - roughly 10 metres of cases - of font faces to Ludlow)
* Monotype & type casts to Monotype bought from Lintuvaara typefoundry.
* Several plate presses (both manual and electrical), seven Heidelbergs (in variety of sizes)
* Finishing equipment from the early 1900s.
For more information, see also: www.kirjapainomuseo.fi (In Finnish)

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