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We have been publishing letterpress books of poetry since 1982 (books by Gary Snyder, Denise Levertov, James Laughlin, Hayden Carruth, Donald Hall, John Haines, Pattiann Rogers, etc.). We live on an isolated island off the Washington coast in a log house we built ourselves. We have a C&P, a small Vandercook proof press, a little tabletop Adana, and a large flatbed Challenge. Besides the print shop (which occupies a third of the main floor of the house), we have a bookbindery complete with Challenge paper cutter, a floor model board shears, and two nipping presses. We’ve been off the grid for 29 years. What power we have comes from solar panels. Sally is the printer; Sam (who also served as the inaugural poet laureate of Washington) is the resident bookbinder.