10x15 or 8x12 C&P Old or New
Like several posts from the past which option is best to purchase C&P 8x12 or 10x15? Definitely looking for personal opinions and why one would purchase which. Also if someone has leads to any in Northern California much obliged.
Thank You,
my first c&p was a 8x12, very soon i wanted a bigger one, next was a 10x15, it all depends on what you want to print. The 12x18 will print a lot of things, it has more ink rollers and a better impressional strength. My favorite press is the 10x15, there seems to be more 10x15 presses around. If i was to have one press it would be the 10x15. No matter what you get you will always want a bigger press.
I’d buy the first one in decent shape and at a price you can afford that you come across. They’re not rare, but neither are they around every corner.
You can use that and determine what you want to do and how to use the press while you continue looking for a better/bigger/smaller press. In the meantime you are printing instead of looking for your perfect press.
I disagree with Dickg. I have an 8x12 OS and have no wish for a bigger press. In fact, I’ve donated or given away both a 10x15 and a 12x18. Too big for my shop.
Thank you both!
Also if you have any advice on where to buy rollers w/o having cores and chases as well?
In California you have Ramco Roller, i’d check with them about cores and trucks, if they don’t have them you could check with NA Graphics, he sells trucks for most presses. The contact info for these companies can be found in the yellow pages on this site.
Early in the summer I drove to Northern California to see Ted Salkin’s collection, which is mind-blowing. He sometimes even sells his presses.
Just do a search for his name and you’ll get his phone number, and various photos from other people’s trips there.
Also, I recently got some rollers from Los Angeles:
Tmac actually bought a press from Ted. We live 45 mins from him. Great Guy and a pleasure to deal with and yes an incredible collection of presses. Any suggestions on the Morgan vs Delrin Trucks?
8x12 vs 10x15:
I’m with Dick. I also began with an 8x12 (when I was 14) and moved up to a 10x15 by the time I was 17. I still have the press and use it often.
The 8x12 is a bit smaller - but not by much. Either press will do most work, but the 10x15 will do more - and will do it better, having a larger platen area to work with and a larger ink disk for better coverage. If I’m not mistaken, the platen also opens up more, so feeding is a tad easier. It’s also stronger, so if you want to do any embossing or die-cutting, it’s the better machine.
The New Series presses (straight spokes on flywheel) of either size are also stronger. They went into production around 1914, and many (like mine) are still in service.
Morgan vs Delrin trucks:
Might as well add old style steel trucks to the conversation as well. They came in different sizes, btw - not commonly known, but C&P recommended a higher roller setting for folks printing ruled forms, so original C&P steel trucks come in different diameters.
The Delrin trucks are fine. I used to think steel was better, but that was before I used a set of NA Graphics’ delrin trucks. I have been using NA Graphics rollers with delrin trucks for the past 3-4 years and they work just fine.
But, steel or delrin, the way to adjust diameter (to get that critical roller height) is with simple vinyl electrical tape - on the trucks, not the rails…. That way, each end of each roller can be set to it’s best height.
Properly done, taped trucks will perform very well.
see: http://excelsiorpress.org/reference/presswork/smallpresswork.html#taping...
Morgan Expansion Trucks will do that for you without tape, and they are great. Just be sure that the trucks’ threads are clean and well-lubricated for easy adjustment on the press.
Also make sure that the rubber tires are “fresh” - not just “new” - or especially “new old stock”. When these rubber tires get old, they get hard and will not expand as they should. Old tires also tend to crack under stress, so again, be sure the rubber is fresh.
I think Fritz can help you with them as well.
Yes Alan, I agree with you about tape on roller trucks, NOT ON RAILS. I read horror stories here about 13 LAYERS OF TAPE ON THE RAILS. Wow. That cannot possibly last for any considerable length of time. Forget about masking tape, use the stretchy type vinyl electrical tape.
Of course MERTs are the best way to take care of this problem.
On selecting a press, you need to think about the type of work you want to do. If you plan to do jobs with a lot of ink coverage, go with a larger press.
8x12 is a great press, if you plan to print job that do not need a lot of ink coverage.
If the work you plan to do is just type, any size press will do.
Thanks guys, Alan we sent you an order and are also getting rollers and trucks from NA. Looking forward to getting things going any chance you guys have motor recommendations? The one we bought has an attached motor mount. We would like a variable speed but would settle for less with the right pulley system.