Deep printing

Good afternoon.
I need your help and advice.
I’m new to Lettepress
I have aprons.
I’m just beginning!
My friends are doing such works as in the photographs.
I have a question:
1) What is a polymer used for this purpose for this? What a relief? What is the thickness?
2) What you need to lay a cylinder? Rubber? Soft paper?
3) How to achieve this relief?
I can not get deep printing.
Which polymer used?
Such an effect is possible only on cotton paper?
When I increase the pressure I have blurred the line …
Need your help!

image: bc_beauty_03.jpg


image: bc_wow_4.jpg


image: wedd_alya_01.jpg


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Give more tips and ideas;-)
Need your help!
Thank you!

Hello kasilov,

A discussion forum is not the place to learn how to print. For basic instruction there are classes, workshops, apprenticeships, and some very good books. What discussion forums are good for is troubleshooting very specific problems not readily covered elsewhere. If it’s your friends’ prints that you admire, perhaps you can ask them if you can work alongside them as an intern. If they are at a distance, perhaps if you tell us your general location someone can suggest a place where you can find some instruction.

If you are satisfied with your prints in every regard except impression, then tell us what press you are using and exactly how you are using it. There may be a few specific things you can do to achieve the effect you desire. It may or may not be possible (or advisable) with your setup.


EDIT: I see that in another post you have provided the suggested information along with a photo — excellent!