Merchant’s Hotel broadside: photo

Carol, Thanks for sending the photo that I have posted here. I reduced the image of the broadside so the whole poster can be seen. On the right side of the page I have included some enlargements of the letters and borders for easier identification.

In the black rectangle at the top right is a scan contributed by Geoffrey, of a similar border that is described in his post of March 4 at Steve Saxe sent in a scan (shown in rectangle at bottom right) from the Boston Type and Stereotype Foundry with the following explanation: ” It’s really just a popular fancy ornamented face of the late 1820s-1830s, before faces were given names. I don’t know the size of the type, but if it were six lines pica it would be identified as in the attached scan from the 1832 Boston Type Foundry specimen. The same type, in the same size, also called simply “Ornamented” is shown in the 1833 White, Hagar specimen.” Thanks Geoffrey and Steve.

image: merchant_hotel2.gif

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