Another chance to acquire some brand new type - we’re about to hire a substantial number of matrices, which means you’ll be able to get hold of some new display type without having to pay the hire charge. We’ll be casting…
Times New Roman 327 18pt & 30pt, and 18pt italic
Gill Sans 262 24pt, 30pt, 36pt and 48pt
Do drop us a line if you’re interested in buying a fount.
Earlier topic: Cleaning wood type
Display type casting: Gill Sans 262 and Times New Roman 327
Another chance to acquire some brand new type - we’re about to hire a substantial number of matrices, which means you’ll be able to get hold of some new display type without having to pay the hire charge. We’ll be casting…
Times New Roman 327 18pt & 30pt, and 18pt italic
Gill Sans 262 24pt, 30pt, 36pt and 48pt
Do drop us a line if you’re interested in buying a fount.
[email protected]
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