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Dear Printers,
There are only 3 days left in The Itinerant Printer campaign, and it’s come a long way! As of this post, we’ve reached 61% of our goal - but there’s still a little way to go.
If you haven’t heard about it yet, check out the details at www.itinerantprinter.com/about
So many new places have been added to the proposed itinerary, and I know that you’ve been so generous sharing the idea with book arts and printing listservs, but if you could find the time to share in the next few days, I’d be really grateful. Social media is key at getting the word out, as well as personal emails.
I hope that everyone had a great holiday season, and I wish everyone a happy new year!
Remember, here are a few things that you and your shop might be able to do:
- Share the Indiegogo campaign on Facebook and let people know that The Itinerant Printer project
will be visiting in 2015.
- Share the Indiegogo campaign via your email list - we all hate spam, but for many shops, The Itinerant
Printer project is perfectly matched with the demographic! If you don’t have an email list, think of a few key people
to shoot a quick email to, and say check this out and share! This one can be key - together, we’re in touch with thousands of people!
- Tweet about the campaign on Twitter, and tag @itinerantprint ! Encourage people to follow the project
as well.
- Instagram photos from the Itinerant Printer Instagram page! Instagram is one of the most direct ways to
share, and for some of you, with thousands and thousands of people!
- Write about the project on your blog or website - I’ve attached a press release for those of you who haven’t seen it!
Here are all the links that you need:
Please link to us or tag us, that way we can cross-promote you and your shop! Thank you in advance, and I look forward to meeting so many of you on the road.
Chris Fritton
The Itinerant Printer

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