Press Identification (modern die and plate press mfg co)

I hope someone will be able to tell me what this press is! The only marking I could find on it was Modern Die & Plate Press MFG Co. The handles for the fly wheel have been removed, but still exist. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


image: IMG3239.JPG

image: IMG3237.JPG

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Additional images.

image: IMG3241.JPG


image: IMG3238.JPG


The name on press.

image: IMG3236.JPG

This press resembles a Kelton…

Here’s how they work:

See this thread:

Thank you HavenPress! I’m going to have to dig around to see if I can find the bed plate…

Found one just like this recently. Its called the Imperial plate printing press. Probably a size 10. The size refers to the length of the finished print. You seem to also be missing two attachable trays, one large and one small. I noticed in the background of your first image, the weight for the bed plate is there. Did you find the plate?

image: imp.jpeg
