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Calling all artists, healers, and activists:
Open Windows Cooperative is a print shop/bindery dedicated to open sharing of ideas, skills, and support. Located in Yosemite Place in the Bayview district of San Francisco, the 771-square foot space features 20-foot ceilings and large windows overlooking the bay. It is equipped with printing and bookbinding equipment, including a board shear, foil stamper, large communal tables and an 8x12 C&P printing press.
We are seeking 2-4 new members to share the space with us on a long-term basis starting October 1. As our name suggests, we are a cooperative in that we work together with common values and towards common goals: safe space, mindfulness, collaboration and community action. Folks of every gender, color, orientation, origin, and faith are welcome.
Our goal is to have a small group of folks using space to support themselves financially while also contributing to a group effort to host community events. Our vision is to host workshops, talks, art shows, screenings, letter-writing, and beyond — we are open to any ideas you may have about how we can use the space in a way that benefits the community.
Please email for details - [email protected]



