“United Typothetae of America”

After recently acquiring 32 volumes of the “Typographical Technical Series for Apprentices” I’ve been looking for additional information on the United Typothetae of America and its publications. It looks like the organization ceased publication of the series before the final 20 volumes (out of 64) were published. I’ve found digital editions of most all the published editions on Google Books, Hathi Trust, or the Internet Archive. (A major pain since not all are listed by their proper titles and because the titles of all the books in the series appears in the index of each volume.) The last published volume I could locate was No. 47 “Typographic Design in Advertising” published in 1930. It contained a list of all the intended titles in the series with asterisks next to those “in preparation”. Sadly the volume I was most curious about, Volume 23 “Typecasting and Composing Machines” was among those asterisked.

While looking for information why the publication of the series was discontinued prior to completion I came across this useful bit of information in the 1936 National Graphic Arts Education Guild’s “The organization, the constitution and by-laws.”

“the outstanding leader in the general field of printing education during the past quarter of the century has been the United Typothetae of America. It was this trade association that took up the cause of the school of printing and the teacher of printing and made possible the annual conferences on printing education. During the past two years or more the United Typothetae of America was compelled to relinquish its leadership due to conditions imposed by the graphic arts code and later to economic difficulties.”

I’m now looking into see if any of the papers of the organization or its authors may be archived somewhere, possibly harboring unpublished manuscripts from the series.

Volume 23 looks to have been well into development in 1930 with A. W. Finley listed as editor and the following contributors:
Section I—The Linotype by L. A. Hornstein (Died in 1921)
Section II—The Monotype by Joseph Hays (Died in 1920)
Section III—The Intertype by Henry W. Cozzens (Died in 1920)
Section IV—Other Typcasting and Typesetting Machines by Frank H. Smith

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The UTA was formed by employing printers to oppose the Typographical Union’s push for an 8-hour day. It eventually became the PIA, the Printing industries of America, so any surviving records might be with the PIA, or sent off to some archive like at RIT.

Here are links to digital versions of the published volumes I’ve found.

1. Type: a Primer of Information - https://books.google.com/books?id=0pPgAAAAMAAJ
2. Compositors’ Tools and Materials - https://books.google.com/books?id=Sy0qAAAAYAAJ
3. TypeCases, Composing Room Furniture - https://books.google.com/books?id=WisqAAAAYAAJ
4. Imposing Tables and Lock-up Appliances - https://books.google.com/books?id=YHQsAAAAYAAJ
5. Proof Presses - https://books.google.com/books?id=RSsqAAAAYAAJ
6. Platen Printing Presses - https://books.google.com/books?id=8JPgAAAAMAAJ
7. Cylinder Printing Presses - https://books.google.com/books?id=_pPgAAAAMAAJ
9. Power for operating machinery in printing houses - https://books.google.com/books?id=9yJVAAAAYAAJ
10. Paper Cutting Machines - https://books.google.com/books?id=S3QsAAAAYAAJ
11. Printers’ Rollers - https://books.google.com/books?id=KysqAAAAYAAJ
12. Printing Inks - https://books.google.com/books?id=5SsqAAAAYAAJ
13 How Paper is Made - https://books.google.com/books?id=-TMNAAAAYAAJ
15. Electrotyping and Stereotyping - https://books.google.com/books?id=VnQsAAAAYAAJ
16. Typesetting - https://books.google.com/books?id=FZTgAAAAMAAJ
17. Printer’s Proofs - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009395081
18. First Steps in Job Composition - https://books.google.com/books?id=YS0qAAAAYAAJ
20. Book Composition - https://books.google.com/books?id=UJTgAAAAMAAJ
21. Tabular Composition - https://books.google.com/books?id=Wh4vAAAAMAAJ
22. Applied Arithmetic - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681545
24. Locking forms for the job press - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681546
25. Preparing forms for the cylinder press - Not Found Online, www.worldcat.org/oclc/3736439
28. Pressroom hints and helps - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/002097436
29. Reproductive Processes of the Graphic Arts - https://books.google.com/books?id=DoTgAAAAMAAJ
30. Pamphlet Binding - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/101873319
32. Word Study and English Grammar - https://books.google.com/books?id=bC0qAAAAYAAJ
33. Punctuation - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681547
34. Capitals - https://books.google.com/books?id=KYTgAAAAMAAJ
35. Division of words - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681549
36. Compound Words - https://books.google.com/books?id=iiwqAAAAYAAJ
37. Abbreviations and signs - https://books.google.com/books?id=2F8bAQAAMAAJ
38. The Uses of Italic - https://books.google.com/books?id=qYTgAAAAMAAJ
39. Proofreading - https://books.google.com/books?id=6l8bAQAAMAAJ
40. Preparation of printers’ copy - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681554
41. A printers’ manual of style - Not found online, www.worldcat.org/oclc/1433359
42. The Dictionary of Graphic Arts Terms - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/006180859
43. Applied design for printers - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001161063
47. Typographic design in advertising - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/009395017
49. Books Before Typography - https://books.google.com/books?id=4ITgAAAAMAAJ
50. The Invention of Typography - https://books.google.com/books?id=74TgAAAAMAAJ
51. A brief History of Printing Part 1 - https://books.google.com/books?id=6HAbAQAAMAAJ
52. A brief history of Printing Part 2 - https://books.google.com/books?id=zSJVAAAAYAAJ
53. A Brief History of Printing in England - https://books.google.com/books?id=HPC6AAAAIAAJ
54. A brief history of printing in America - https://books.google.com/books?id=818bAQAAMAAJ
55. Type and presses in America - https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001681559