ink in tubes

I’m a self taught hobby printer so not fully aware of the array of resources available. I used to buy oil base ink from Dave the Ink in Tubes guy in California. This allowed me to buy smaller amounts of inks in easy to use tubes. My contact info for him is not getting a response and I know ink is a part-time gig for him. What he offers for small printers like me is wonderful and hoping there’s another option.
Does anyone have another resource for such ink?
Or better contact info for my prior resource Dave?
Thank you

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I was literally just filling a cart on NA Graphics site with ink in tubes! So, they have it. :)

I need some standard colors to go with the auction lot of ink I bought for basically nothing that ended up being a LOT of ink..but all purples, greens, and browns more or less. Haha!

January-April is Dave’s peak Orchid season so you might have to be patient ordering ink from him right now

Here in the UK T.N. Lawrence sell ink in tubes and/or tins, several different ranges. I have used their ”Original Linseed Oil” range for nigh on 50 years, as did my printmaker Father before me. And driers etc etc
Whats more they sell empty tube for those that wish to make their own, eg D.I.Y. mixing white …
In passing ink in tubes is normally made a shade runnier than that in tins, and might sometimes need spreading out on a bit of newsprint for a little while to soak up a bit of the vehicle.

A very good source is:

I have made several purchases and have always been very happy with their ink in tubes.

Yeah, he is super busy this time of year. Don’t take it personally.
I will see him either this weekend or definitely next weekend at our Wayzgoose here in San Jose, CA. He is going to have a booth for Ink in Tubes there, so he will be in full ink mode. If you like I can pass along your contact info to him. I’ll write it on an actual piece of paper and put it in front of his face ;-)