Fritz Klinke
Good news to report. Fritz is back in Silverton, away from the rehab center where he has spent the past eight months. Unfortunately there is so much snow in Silverton this year that he can see out of only one window in his apartment!
The snowfall (and there is more on the way) may be record setting; certainly more than at any point in about 30 years. The road north from town has been closed for some time and latest estimate is that it will be closed for another two weeks. This is due to an unusually high number of snowslides which take much time to remove. There is all sorts of video of this posted for those who are interested.
Non-business personal messages can be sent to PO Box 2, Silverton 81433.
That is great news! I hope Fritz will continue to recuperate fully and will be well. Do you know if there is anyone who is helping him fulfill orders? I would like to order some ink. Or, are there other places I could order the inks since the snow seems to be a problem there?
Thank you!
Howdy Icole … I have an ink supplier near me who makes ink and has it available in 1# cans. The owner, Randy, is super-personal and willing to help in any way he is able.
Here is his info if you are interested in smaller quantity containers as an alternate resource:
Randall Cole
Prestige Printing Ink
2430 Ludelle Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76105
Phone: (817) 531 - 2736
Fax: (817) 535 1954
email: [email protected]
Hello, dadofguads2,
Thank you very much for the information! I went ahead and ordered from Letterpress Ink yesterday. I will keep this info about Prestige for future reference. Appreciate your help!
Glad to hear the good news about Fritz. He is an icon among letterpress suppliers and has helped countless printers. But too many of us are getting old. I’ve already beaten cancer twice and still have some issues to deal with.
At “almost 70”, and after the health issues that have tied me up, I’ve slowed down even more than my already turtle-pace. - ask anyone who’s waited months for me to fill an order…
So, you younger letterpress printers - PLEASE start thinking about us old guys and all we can teach you and all that YOU can do to keep letterpress alive and thriving.
But a warning - letterpress support is, in Elizabeth’s own words - a “get rich slow” scheme. It’s not profitable enough to draw in greedy people. But that’s a good thing - there is little “competition” and what competition there is is not agressive.. It’s a field for folks who love what they do, enjoy the people they meet - and want to help keep the trade alive.
And it’s great as a part-time endeavor, supported by your own printing income and your own inability to pass up “a good deal” on a press or some type - or some old books about printing…
Think about it, kids - us old guys can’t keep this up for ever. It’s time for the next generation to get involved.
It can be fun; you will meet some *fascinating* people… and it will help to keep the craft alive.
Welcome back, Fritz; we’ve missed you. Lucky for us you *do* have a young associate to help out. Not many of us do…
- Old Printer Al
Frenchtown, NJ
Hello All,
I just spoke with Fritz a few minutes ago. He is in a wheelchair and has trouble using his right leg and arm, but is improving with therapy. He is in good spirits and would love to hear from everyone. His phone gives him trouble but he does have a new email address to send questions and encouraging words too.
[email protected]
Beth and myself are heading out to Silverton to help Fritz fulfill some orders he has accumulated. We will not be in Silverton until Mother’s Day and will start shipping orders in the order they are received on Monday May 13, 2019. Please send any orders as soon as possible so Fritz can make sure he has what you need. If you have any needs, orders or inquiries please email directly to fritz or myself, [email protected] or call me at 615-754-5500. Fritz’s direct email is above. Fritz says his phone is hard for him to hear on and is a new phone to him and he is having trouble using it, but he will get the hang of it, he is a trooper.
Please send all good wishes Fritz’s way or email him.
Dave and Beth Seat
Hot Metal Services
615 - 754 - 5500
I should be getting our web site back up and running in the next couple of days. I will be updating it but be aware that somethings just aren’t going to happen. We can no longer find the .030 thick rubber rubber material so anything pertaining to underblankets or blankets in general are out. We also do not have photopolymer plate material or the ability to make plates. I plan to have NA Graphics open on a part-time basis on into the summer, but this shipping we are doing with Dave Seat will be an excellent opportunity to get things like tympan paper. I appreciate your continued support. Fritz
I just checked and Fritz has NA Graphics web site and store back on line.
We have started our trip to Silverton and should arrive by Mothers Day after traveling I-80 through, PA, OH, IN, IL, IA, NE then CO. We will be making 11 stops for service along the way. We will be traveling I-40 on the way home. We are booked for the trip out but if anyone along I-40 from Albuquerque, NM to Nashville needs us to stop we have some open dates for that.
All our best and if you have any Vandercook needs, get your order in soon as we will be helping Fritz get the shipments out, especially the heavier items.
Dave and Beth Seat
Happy to read all of this and hope Fritz stays WELL! As a young newbie printer- I’d also LOVE to learn all you guys know!