Chandler Price Pilot Press
I recently purchased a C & P pilot press- New Style- that needs minimal work- everything seems to be running smooth. I need to buy new rollers for it. I’m wondering if anyone knows how much these presses ( and rollers) usually sell for? I don’t really know - looked it up on ebay, but they don’t have any completed listings for this type of press. Thanks!
Updated. NA Graphics has rollers & trucks. He has 3 different kinds of rollers. Tarheel Roller has these also. As for the price of one of these, anywhere from $100 (junker) $1500 or more (like new) Just from memory. My Pilot (Old Style) has been around for a long time. I’ve owned it twice. Good little press. You can do lots of things with this press. Remember just because the print area is 6 x 10 you can print a larger sheet of paper.
Thanks Bob!