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We’re redoing a historic bindery space as a book arts center for the public and this ol’ lady just can’t stay due to size, condition, and safety. 34.5 inch Challenge diamond guillotine behemoth! (Electric/motor powered.)
Disclosure: this machine hasn’t been turned on in at least ten years: we can’t speak to its operability. It is very very dusty with some surface rust but we all know these things are beasts: it would likely be fine with elbow grease. We’ll include the blade.
Or maybe you just need a good parts machine or statement piece?
Free to anyone who wants to haul it out. We have a bed-height loading dock and can suggest a mover who specializes in heavy print machinery. If you’re interested let us know asap: she’s gotta go!
Call or email for more info/photos. Cheers.
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