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Cylinder Core Certificate Program
The handfed cylinder proof press, also known as the Vandercook press, has a special place in both print history and in teaching book arts. Immediate and accessible, yet nuanced and specific, it is the press that introduced many of us to letterpress. The four class Cylinder Core Certificate Program allows students to move quickly through the press basics while also addressing relief printing in general. Students who finish the four core classes are qualified to rent press time as well as move on to more advanced classes and techniques. Click here to learn more about the Core Certification Program and find out how you receive a discount.
Cylinder Core 1 :: Experience Letterpress!
Dig in to the tradition and history of letterpress printing and get your hands dirty. Learn about the process and practice of setting type, mixing inks and pulling impressions. In this class you will learn how to print your own cards!
Cylinder Core 2 :: Power of the Broadside
Build your letterpress skills: learn advanced justification, typesetting, and composition. Put it all together to print a broadside of your own design.
Cylinder Core 3 :: Posterized
Develop your letterpress design skills and aesthetic while increasing your letterpress versatility: learn to set up the press, refine your registration skills, and run an edition. Learn more about packing, roller height, and make-ready. Come ready to run an edition of your own small poster.
Cylinder Core 4 :: Digital into Analog
Bring digital back into analog in this final core course and learn to print from photopolymer plates. Apply your letterpress skills to artwork created digitally to make fantastic plates for printing. Walk away with a stack of greeting cards printed from polymer plates.
*This workshop will take place on Monday-Thursday, March 2-5, 2020 from 9:30am-5:30pm.

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