Press ID
Hi! I found this press in a warehouse, are anyone familiar with the manufacturer and model? There is literary no hits on ”Kontergraf” on Google, so no clue… Seems to be missing inking system and possibly the motor(if there was one), too bad.
No ideas?
No ideas without seeing more than just ID plates. What is the working mechanism of the press?
It looks similar to my Vandercook SP15, but probably with some missing parts. Never seen the name Kontergraf elsewhere, and no hits on Google at all…
Is there any date on this press? Maybe it’s something that the East Germans made that we know nothing about.
That is a very interesting question. The splits from pre-war German to post-war East and West German manufacturers are well-known, but what are their remains and any possible reunions?
That this is a Graf press certainly recalls the postwar Grafopress copy of the Heidelberg platen, but it says “Made in Germany” not East Germany or GDR.
I’ve just checked out my map of Berlin, the version from before the re-unification. The Adelbertstraße was situated in West Berlin. Had it been a product from the east, it wouldn’t have said: Made in Germany.
It is similar to a Vandercook or a FAG, but more photos without all the wrapping would be useful.
I’ve just checked out my map of Berlin, the version from before the re-unification. The Adelbertstraße was situated in West Berlin. Had it been a product from the east, it wouldn’t have said: Made in Germany.
It is similar to a Vandercook or a FAG, but more photos without all the wrapping would be useful.
I’ve just checked out my map of Berlin, the version from before the re-unification. The Adelbertstraße was situated in West Berlin. Had it been a product from the east, it wouldn’t have said: Made in Germany.
It is similar to a Vandercook or a FAG, but more photos without all the wrapping would be useful.