Machine made by Challenge Machinery
Does anyone have a Challenge Type-high Unit that you’d like to sell? I’m making wood type from hard maple, but I still have the problem of making the wood type-high. Please reply and let me know. Thank you!
Craig Malmrose
I purchased an Oliver Planer to bring Hard Maple to type high.
Casey at Inky Lips Press
How do run end grain hard maple through a planer? When I did that, it shattered. Long grain works fine, but not end grain.
How do run end grain hard maple through a planer? When I did that, it shattered. Long grain works fine, but not end grain.
How do run end grain hard maple through a planer? When I did that, it shattered. Long grain works fine, but not end grain.
You usually don’t run end grain through a planer—you use a mill or similar object. There’s a bunch of ways to approach it, but a planer will usually do exactly what you described.
You can use a drum sander, however, and that will work from what I understand.
You should talk to some of the folk who are already making wood type and see what their process is like.