Looking for type cases, cabinets, composing desks

Hello! We’re a lab based in a public university library in central Virginia who’s looking for ways to store and organize our small collection of type, as well as surfaces for composing type:

* California-style type organization/storage cases (empty or not)
* cabinets (with or without drawers/cases)
* desks/cabinets with tilted composing surface on top

Used items needing heavy refurbishment are fine!

We may be able to pick up (we’re in central Virginia; can sometimes drive to Richmond/NOVA area, D.C., or other Virginia areas) or can pay shipping/packing.

For items not needing heavy refurbishment we may be able to pay for the item(s), though given our tiny library budget donations would also be very appreciated (and credited with a plaque + we’ll mail you a thank-you print and photo of items in use teaching students & public).

Thank you!

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