Spring Workshop — Letterpress Solutions - May 10 & 11

Join Roland Hoover, Chris Manson, and Michael Denker at Pyramid Altantic on May 10 & 11 from 9:30 - 4:00pm
$220 (members: $205) $45 materials fee

This class is limited to eight students only. Have you taken letterpress classes but you still run into problems that you don't know how to solve. In this intermediate to advanced class, learn advanced compostion, color registrations, and how to make ready on the Vandercook. Also, the instructors will set-up several problem solving scenarios you may encounter while printing your lettepress project such as how to ink type at varying heights on the same form and how and when to hand ink. If you are working on a project bring your questions to class to disccus with these master printers. Students will make a four page French fold booklet combining type and imagery. Students should already know how to set type, ink, and operate the press.

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