Alcuin Press


Included in the 1982 edition of the International Register, the source of the online edition. Details.

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The Alcuin Press was founded in 1928 by Herbert Patrick Reginald Finberg (1900-1974), a former employee at the Shakespeare Head Press. The press was housed in a malt house behind Elm Tree House, High Street, Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire. Using modern machinery, Finberg produced fine books in small editions using hand-set types on hand-made paper. The press moved to Welwyn Garden City in 1935. but fell victim to the world-wide depression, closing it’s doors in 1936. The first book produced by the press was a book of poetry by Christopher Whitfield, titled “The Village and Other Poems” in a signed and numbered edition of one hundred copies. Other titles include: “Last Poems” by A. E. Housman; “The Unfortunate Traveller” by Thomas Nash; and “The Book of The Knight of La Tour Landry” for the Verona Society.