Looking for a Nolan Proof Press or similar flatbed proof press located on the West Coast! Pay Neg. Contact me with photos of the press for sale!
Looking for similar to... more
I am looking for a Vandercook #4 positive lockup bar. If you have an extra one that you are willing to sell, please contact me.
I’ve been stalking this site for some time now. I really value the info I have found on this site. It’s time for me to pull the trigger.
I’m looking to... more
I am looking for any shop that has leftover chipboard coasters that they would like to get rid of. Any quantity are welcome.
We have a non-profit project we are going to be... more
Hello There!
I’m an art student at a very small liberal arts school looking to gain some exposure to printing. Mainly my background deals with graphic design and drawing... more
Wanted: a 5x8 or larger letterpress . Prefer a Chandler and Price larger than a Pilot. Need equiptment (paper cutter… ) available, for a start up company.
I’m looking for my own press to start up a small printing operation. I’d be interested in a Reliance, Columbian, C&P, Albion - the older and more interesting, the... more
I have a case of rare stereotype initials that I need to sell by April 10th. These were made during World War II when metal shortages led to the... more
Been in letterpress for almost two years and looking to become serious with a Vandercook. I’m hoping to stay under or around $2,000. If you’re getting rid of one for... more
Hello listers,
We’re looking for a long-style ink fountain (complete with mounting brackets) for an O.S. 8x12 C&P. Will also consider a long-style + pony combo as... more
27 Vintage Printer’s Type Cases. Various Styles. Some are hamilton. All Type Cases are 1’5” x 2’8” 250.00 O.B.O. Call today to come by and take a... more
looking for a pilot, craftsmen or golding table top— or any of the smaller freestanding press (pearl, and the like)
im willing to commute as far as Idaho, Oregon or even... more
Elum Designs, Inc., a high end letterpress invitation and stationery manufacturer is seeking an extraordinarily talented letterpress craftsman to run Heidelberg Windmills. Must be... more
Frederic W. Goudy Dinner with Walter Tisdale & Opening Reception of The Artist Book as an Agent of Social Change - Clark Humanities Museum
Please join Walter Tisdale for... more
20 years Linotype/Intertype and Ludlow typesetting experience. 20 years Letterpress experience on a 10x15 C&P hand-fed platen press, 10x15 Heidelberg Windmill, 12x18 Kluge... more