2- 24 drawer cabinets
Type rack with 6,8,10 pt Universe Med.
8 pt Universal Med. Italic
10,12 pt Times Roman Italic
10 pt Times Roman Bold
8,10,12 pt... more
Letterpressman with over 27yrs experience.My specialty includes die cutting, hot foil stamping, embossing, debossing & printing. Operated Heidelberg Cylinders, Windmills... more
Good running Kluge 10x15” press for sale. Variable speed new style motor with pulley - 110v. Vacuum pump in good condition. No inking. Press was used for score, perf, and... more
I purchased a huge lot of Hamilton Print Type Cases (4 side-by-side and 1 metal, single unit). Some of the drawers have print type in them. I was going to dive into this as a new... more
June 12th is soon upon us! The International Printing Museum is having a Heidelberg Windmill class for beginners on that day. An all day affair (9:30 am to 4pm). If you ever... more
I am a designer and printer, I own a 10 x 12 Chandler Price Platen Press that is located in San Francisco currently. I am looking for someone skilled in printing, as I am more... more
American Wood Type: 1828-1900
Notes on the Evolution of Decorated and Large Types
by Rob Roy Kelly
- Discounted price through June 30, 2010: $29.95; thereafter... more
Hello everyone..
We have not been able to sell the entire shop so we are parting it out.
There has been a ton of intrest in some items, so make your best offer or risk... more
I’m closing my shop and looking for some good Letterpress homes for my 50 years’ accumulation of machinery, lockup
and storage materials, plus type in cases and... more
i recently purchased a kelsey 6x10 tabletop press. now i need someone to help me set her up and perhaps even give a few tips and hints. i’ve taken letterpress courses on a... more
Supplies for letterpress beginners. Hi Speed Quoins, Furniture, Boxcar Base for a 6x10 Kelsey, Ink, Palette Knives, etc.
Start-up kit for two lovely girls in southern... more
I’m looking for a set of double saddles and springs for my Chandler Price new series 10x15 press. If anyone has any idea on where I can locate this part, it’ll be... more
1 Triumph 3905 Paper Cutter - with spare blade (it might need to be changed, and the alignment checked etc), on stand. Barely used, usually goes for new $1400-$1600 plus cost of... more
I am selling my C&P Pilot press with 6.5 x 10” chase (2 chases), and am including the following:
Press, with rollers (my know how of condition is not that great, but they... more
1890’ pearl old style press . This press was my grandfathers . I have everthing to print with , i mean everything . the rollers are bad but still have the bars just need... more