Table top printing presses with a heavy duty side lever typically sell for a pretty penny. I’ve personally never used it but its known to be a great starter press, super... more
Litho Press, Fuchs and Lang type with modified Boston gear box and Charles Brand adapter. 18-1 gear ratio. Excellent condition. Original owner George Miller and Son. Used by... more
Our Craftsman 14-1/2 x 22 is for sale, in order to make room for another press. In production until the mid 1960s, this was the largest platen press manufactured by C&P and... more
For Sale- Heidelberg Windmill 10x15 Serial No115542, C&P
old style press w/ long shaft for motor pulley, 2 Kelsey
Excelsior 6X10 one is a model X, metal... more
A series of unfortunate circumstances have forced me to sell my entire shop. Everything is located in a garage 10 minutes north of Newburgh, NY... more
32-inch Latham board shear. It cuts binders board and other heavy materials well. The shear has a metal table top and can be disassembled for transport if necessary. An unusual... more
Sigwalt 6x10 (needs work) and Kelsey 6x10 (needs rollers)
A roughly built case with sectioned drawers full of type
Pick up only/cannot ship
$2500.00 cash or bank... more
This Challenge paper cutter is in great condition and has barely been used in the few years that we have had it. We will also include a replacement blade with the purchase.... more
Need a chase for my Sigwalt press it should measure 6x9. If you have knowledge about Sigwalt please contact me for need to know what kind of Sigwalt I have.
vintage machine hand operated for brown reinforced paper tape used for sealing up cardboard boxes for shipping in printing shop $25.00 call or text @516-304-8668
antique vintage small line cuts on lead type high letter press type symbols pictures and borders stored in a galley tray from letterpress printing shop $50.00 call or text 516... more
For sale is a Craftsman Monarch Tabletop Letterpress fully outfitted. Included in this sale is:
- Letterpress machine
- base from elum
- leading
- 2 chase... more
I am in the process of restoring a C&P Pilot old style press and I’m missing the yoke spring and the yoke spring rod (and cotter, I suppose). On the new style parts list... more
A dozen or more of inter type brass mat fonts 2 or more may have never used. Mostly gothic chelt Roman see printed list or call 516-668-1096. Because of weight pick-up is... more