Need assembly / packaging help
I print my stationery and so I end up with a stack of flat, scored cards that need to be folded and put in poly bags with envelopes. Right now I am folding and packaging everything by hand. Any suggestions where I could get help with this folding/packaging? My goal for 2008 is to streamline my production system and this is an area that eats up a ton of my time. Suggestions from other designers in the industry or anyone who has the capabilities to take this over for me are greatly appreciated!
Lisa, Ella Studio
To Lisa, Ella Studio
Lisa, why not use a “sheltered workshop”.
We have them in Australia. They are for employing people of all ages who have “difficulties” working in the regular workforce. Here, churches and charities run and organise them. They are paid for their work. Many are very advanced in the “finishing” services they offer. Many of the workers are very skilled. All are very proud of their accomplishments and do perfect work when properly instructed.
William Amer, Australian
Compositor and Printer