Letterpress Rescue - Equipment to be saved

After seeing so many presses and equipment discarded over the years, I became concerned about this permanent loss of irreplaceable and often quite valuable equipment. So, I created a new section on my website to let people know about equipment to be rescued and some of the issues involved. Please visit and bookmark

I am submitting links here because I know that Briar Press is THE center of communication for letterpress printers throughout the world and I must say that I appreciate the efforts that Elizabeth and her son have made to create this site and help it grow into the fantasic resource that it is.

This week, the shop to be rescued/sold is a complete letterpress shop near Jacksonsvilled, Florida. This is a 50-year-old, 3-generation complete print shop - hand type, linotype, presses - everything and it’s in great shape. See:

Soon I hope to have a database of equipment for sale or to be rescued throughout the country. Visit http://ExcelsiorPress/blog/blog.html for updates.

And, please note. Although I do sell items through the web site, I am a printer and printing historian first and am involved in sales only because we need to pay the rent. All cash earned through sales only goes to pay the bills and to support our efforts to preserve this equipment for future generations…

So, for any of you looking for equipment, or interested in supporting our efforts to rescue and preserve this equipment, please stop by and see what’s available and where….

- Alan

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if this had been 2 months earlier I would have loved one of those c&p’s! I live a few hours from jacksonville and those would have probably been easier to move compared to the one we found and purchased.

i would LOVE to have that heidelberg, but my budget does not allow that unfortunately.