Color cover stock?
Hello! Can anyone recommend an online paper supplier of pastel-colored cover stock and envelopes? Mr. French’s Muscletone is what I’m looking at, but it’s available in limited colors (I’m on the hunt for a pale blue). I would be buying 8 1/2 x 11, in small quantities. Thank you! If anyone wants to sell some of their stock in batches, that would work as well…
French’s Muscletone is the only one I know of that comes in 140#/300gsm. Perhaps you could be more specific about what you’re looking for? Recycled vs. cotton? Is weight important?
Just a heavier stock for cards / notecards. It can be recycled paper, that will take a deep-ish impression. The only paper I’ve been using is Crane’s, but it doesn’t have to be as thick as the #110.
Eames Pacific Blue may be what you are looking for. It’s 80 lb. cover.
This is from a previous post by people on the hunt for Crane’s Palette, which prints very nicely-
It may be worth a look!
Thank you! That Cranes Palette might be what I’m after.
I personally use French Paper’s berrylicious in the Pop tone range, at the 100lb weight, and it’s a GREAT paper. Very heavy, quality cardstock for cards. Not like the scrapbook “cardstock” you find in craft stores. It’s really nice! And has lots of colors!
Can you use rubber ink on Crane’s Palette Paper?
Thank you Beth…I’ll search out the French Pop tone paper. And yes, I just printed some note cards using Van Son’s rubber ink (a few different colors) on the Crane’s Palette and it turned out very nice. I wish the opaque white would work better for me, but maybe on another paper I’ll get better results?