Recycled paper for Letterpress cards
I’m just getting started with letterpress. I bough a Kelsey 5 x 8 a few months ago and would like to start printing some holiday cards as my first project. I need advice from this group though. What type of paper should I purchase? I’d like recycled paper that will work well for letterpress. I’m looking for something economical — 250-500 sheet quantity with envelops to start. Can some recommend both a supplier and the type of paper/envelopes I should be buying? Thank you so much for your help!
don’t know where you are located, but if there is a expedix around your area you should check them out. i even buy my inks from them, you can buy small amounts of paper from them. they are very helpful and easy to deal with. good luck dick g.
Look at French Paper ( Most of their lines are 100% recycled, and they sell matching envelopes, too.
Try Mohawk Renewal or Fox River Blotter paper.