I have used a website called yesterdaystractors.com to find truckers willing to haul presses long distances. Under “Hauling Schedules” you can post pickup and destination locations, and people who are hauling antique tractors can email you if they have room for your press. They also post messages in hopes of adding cargo to their empty trucks after they have delivered their tractor. I was able to haul a large Peerless platen press from Lafayette, Indiana to St. Louis for $125, and a 1930 Chevrolet pickup truck from eastern Wisconsin to my home in Lafayette for $300. I hired a local tow truck for $25 to lift the press onto the man’s flatbed truck after he had delivered a tractor for somebody else. Both of the truckers were great guys and I didn’t have a any problem at all with either transaction. I just thought I would spread the word about yesterdaystractors.com, in case others have not heard about it.
Earlier topic: non metal tweezers for handling metal type
How to move presses long distances … cheaply.
I have used a website called yesterdaystractors.com to find truckers willing to haul presses long distances. Under “Hauling Schedules” you can post pickup and destination locations, and people who are hauling antique tractors can email you if they have room for your press. They also post messages in hopes of adding cargo to their empty trucks after they have delivered their tractor. I was able to haul a large Peerless platen press from Lafayette, Indiana to St. Louis for $125, and a 1930 Chevrolet pickup truck from eastern Wisconsin to my home in Lafayette for $300. I hired a local tow truck for $25 to lift the press onto the man’s flatbed truck after he had delivered a tractor for somebody else. Both of the truckers were great guys and I didn’t have a any problem at all with either transaction. I just thought I would spread the word about yesterdaystractors.com, in case others have not heard about it.
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