Type Cabinet ID
Hi all,
I’d like to ID a type cabinet before cleaning it up for use (bought from the classifieds! - Thanks Steve!) It’s a 2/3 cab with yankee job cases, approx 43 inches, with room for 16 cases (though one is missing). I’m unfamiliar with the style of drawer pulls. Another interesting feature is the copper top, in very decent shape. I’ve checked the inside of the cab for any manufacturing documentation, no dice. An early Hamilton cabinet? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Unknown Type Cabinet I

Unknown Type Cabinet II

Drawer Pull Detail
Hey Joe,
I’m not sure of the maker, but that’s a really nice cabinet. It is pretty amazing that it only took you a month to find pretty much exactly what you were looking for!
Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY
Thanks Dan. So far it’s been a quite a ride setting up shop in an unused corner of my apartment. I’m super happy with the cabinet, it has lots of character, though it’s origins remain a mystery. Incidentally, 2/3 size Hamilton cases fit, but they are a bit long and about 1/4 inch lacking in width (see picture). Custom perhaps? I’ve also never come across one with a copper top.
I’ll be sure to stop by The Arm sometime soon. I’ve never been but have heard great things!
Unknown Type Cabinet III, front view
That is just beautiful. Custom or not, it’s a work of art. What a find.
The copper top probably isn’t a factory thing as I have an old hamilton cabinet covered with galvanized steel. Either the original top got severely beat up, or they wanted to use it for mixing ink or some other odd use. Looks beautiful though (the copper that is). Try to save those old case labels, I really like the “This is Italic”.
Mystery solved! While dusting and bringing the wood back to life, I came across this stamp on the inside of one of the drawers: “M. & W. MF’G CO. MIDDLETOWN, N.Y.” A quick google search yielded a wood type company by the name of Morgans & Wilcox, moved to Middletown in 1880, bought out by Hamilton in 1899. An 1890 catalog offered a “Napanoch” cabinet, with all the attributes of the one I have: crossbars between cases, molded panels, and distinct decorative base. There’s no mention of adding a copper top to flat cabinets, so yes, this appears to be a non M&W addition. Based on the softness of the wood, I’m guessing this cabinet is made of pine, finished with 120 years of grit!
What a find indeed.
1890 M&W Catalog