opinions on potential purchase of a C&P 8x12?
Hi —
I’m considering buying this press — any opinions on its condition or potential problems? I’m fine with tinkering a bit, but I’ll have to walk away if it’s a major overhaul. Sounds like there are no rollers or chases — are the chases hard to come by?
- thanks



It’s an Old Series (pre-1912 manufacture) with a new style treadle. Chases are somewhat available, as are rollers and trucks. When cleaned up and in working condition, probably worth about $800 - 1200 depending on details, location, etc.
As far as condition - look for cracks (bad) and welds (OK if done well). You will want to lubricate it and see how it runs - are the bearings loose? Is it excessively noisy? Very handy little press.
hard to tell from pictures, it looks like there is a chase in the press. You have to look the press over and make sure there are no breaks or welds, especially in the bed or platten. To see if the press has excessive wear, grab the platen and try to move it , a little play is ok, but if it moves more than 1/8” it is showing wear and might not print well, i don’t know where you are located but there in a nice 10x15 c&p with a treadle for sale right up the street from me, (southeastern massachusetts) Good Luck Dick G.
Where are you located? Perhaps there’s someone in your area who frequents this site that would be willing to go with you to inspect the press.
One thing you can do is close the platen, grab it with both hands, and give it a firm tug. If there’s movement in the platen that usually indicates excessive wear.
Also check the roller saddles. I have seen some roller saddles that have very little life left in them and those parts are becoming more and more difficult to come by.
Hope this helps.
For what it’s worth I have a 12x18 with a weld in the bottom left corner of the platen. It was welded 20+ years ago when in regular use at the former owner’s shop—it continued printing for 15 years and the weld never caused a problem.
I agree with all of the above. I have had an identical press since 1975. It cost me $60, including a rack full of type, back then. Such presses were the workhorses of the job shop, years ago, and C & P sold a lot of them. It’s a wonderful press, and small enough to fit through a normal sized doorway after removing the flywheel and main shaft — that’s a major plus. The renewable parts are still pretty easy to find — such things as chases, rollers, cores and trucks.
Take a good, strong flashlight along to check for cracks, and, as others have said, be sure to give the platen a good hard tug.
HI Everyone —
Thanks for the great advice. I’m in metro DC and the press is in Bucks’ County so I fear the cost of moving it be cost-prohibitive to purchasing it.
Thanks again
It can be moved in a normal 1/2-ton pickup truck.
I am surprised that no one mentioned that it also has a foot treadle attached. That alone is a major bonus in acquiring a press like this.