paper source for a few sheets?
I need to get paper for my own wedding invitations and was planning on getting Coventry Rag paper from, but it’s out of stock until July AND I’m not sure if it’s white white.
Does anyone know where I can get approximately 12 22x30” sheets of 100 percent cotton paper? Preferably less than $3 a sheet.
I’ve figured 300 gsm is the best paper choice for a good impression, am I correct? Can anyone explain the balance of weight (lb) and gsm and what’s generally best for someone on a budget wanting a nice impression?
$3 per sheet is a tall order. For small quantities, try other online art supply stores: is my favorite. Or find a local place, pay a bit more, and get to touch the paper before you buy!
FYI, Coventry Rag is a nice eggshell white—not too flourescent, not too cream.
Coventry Rag is not bright white.
As for pricing: The fact that you only need 12 sheets means spending only an extra $12 if it’s $4 a sheet. It is none of my business but this seems incredibly reasonable and well worth it for wedding invitations.
I would look at Somerset Velvet in radiant white if you want white white, good quality cotton paper that will take a very nice impression. It is 250 gsm, which is just fine for a good impression. Blick sells it for $3.40/sheet.
*Oops, just reread and should clarify: If you go to any art supply store you’ll find printmaking and watercolor sheets for $3 if you’re lucky, but more likely in the $4 - $5 range (and up). I think you’ll see that those slightly more expensive sheets will be well worth the extra cost.
Thank you for the comments! I believe I will consider paying a bit more for nice paper. And normally yes, I would have just gone to an art store, but I live in the middle-of-nowhere Idaho, where the closest we come to an art store is Walmart!