Heidelberg Windmill
I just got a Windmill at my shop, and I would like to know how to clean it right and effectively, it’s full of dried oil, and ink.
It works nice, but needs tuning - any tunning advice would be appreciated :)
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I just got a Windmill at my shop, and I would like to know how to clean it right and effectively, it’s full of dried oil, and ink.
It works nice, but needs tuning - any tunning advice would be appreciated :)
Clean the painted areas with odorless kerosene. Clean the platen and base with WD40 and Scotchbrite pads if there is any rust.
Oil the machine completely. If it moves, oil it. If it doesn’t move, oil it anyway.
thanks :) and what about that compartiment underneath the fountain?
here’s a picture of it’s general health state
What do you mean by “[it] needs tuning?”
like it was off business for some 4 year I guess and so, I mean, calibrate (?) I’m not finding the right word
You don’t need to calibrate these machines. What you might need to do, however, it to check the sheer collar at the back, below the little Alice-in-wonderland door. As long as the register is consistent (probably the most important thing) everything else should (hopefully) be fine. Run some sheets of a test job and then run them again. The images should line up so that you can’t even see it was printed twice.
Sorry, my writing in the last post was somewhat disjointed - I don’t mean to imply that the sheer collar has anything to do with register; they are two separate things to check.
It might be a good idea to lower the press to the ground before running it. (maybe onto an oil pan) You don’t want it to wobble around or fall over.
That’s Shear Collar. They shear off when stressed by excess impression.
thanks! :) check the shear collar for what?
@Dennis Brian: I intend to do so, how do you suggest to do that?
See page 106/7 in the manual downloaded from Boxcar Press
There are plenty of threads on Briar Press that cover lifting and lowering your press. It comes down to inserting two strong steel rods through the holes in the base and raising it with jacks.
@parallel: my bad…
@JMM: “check the shear collar for what?” - check that it’s not cracked / sheared. You should be bathed in sheer delight at seeing it intact…
Do what Dennis said put the press on the ground. And the pan will be great. I owned Heidelberg Windmill many years ago. And oil does run out of the press. If you do not have a pan under the press, the floor around the press will be covered with oil. And that is not a safe way to work and walk around the press.
Within a second a person could slip on the oil and their arm or hand could be in the moving press before moving to safety.
A friend of mine back in the 80’s lost both hands by removing the safety on his automatic paper cutter.
OK, about the compartment under the fountain:
Under the fountain is the central oiling system.
Should be a chrome lever with a red or black knob on the end.
Looking from the back of the machine towards the front, in the area immediately in front of the oil reservoir you will find the oil distributors. They look like tubes of varying length that have copper oil lines attached.
If you cannot see these, then the whole area is filled with ink and other crud and needs to be cleaned completely to expose the distributors.
Once cleaned, I remove each individual distributor with an 11mm. wrench and make sure that it is clean inside.
Do one at a time so you don’t mix them up.
When tightening them back in position, do not be over aggressive with the wrench, Just make sure that they have a snug fir so they don’t leak.
After cleaning and replacing the distributors, look at the reservoir near the bottom and you will see a drain plug.
Remove the plug, drain any oil out and flush the reservoir with kerosene to get any sludge out.
Fill reservoir with oil to the correct level and test the pump by pulling the lever until you feel heavy resistance.
I like to disconnect several of the copper oil lines and make sure that I see oil coming out when the handle is pulled.
Don’t forget to reinstall them before running.
Oil the press before the first running.
Pull the handle with the press on until you see oil coming out of the bearing visible on the outside of the press on the flywheel side that the large ink drum turns on. That is a good indicator that the system is oiled up.
Repeat after 15 minutes of running and you are ready to go.
Use the central lubrication pump every time to start for the day, and if you are running all day, again after lunch.
@linegauge: thanks for the tips! :)
actually the distributors are covered eith ink and oil.
how can Î remove the fountain to be able to clean them?
Actually you have to remove the inker.
Remove the link that runs the ink fountain roller.
Remove the oil lines on both sides of the inker.
Remove the sheet metal cover at the chase latch (if it is there).
Remove four bolts at the corners of the inker.
Get someone to help lift the inker straight up.
NOTE: There are shims under the four corners of the inker. Keep them in order!
Clean the mess, service the distributors and install inker back.
Not a big project, actually quite satisfying after it is done and everything is clean.
it’s very kind of you beign so technical :D
but there’s a problem. I’m portuguese and the technical terms I don’t get that easy. If isn’t asking to much, can you make a diagram or something? I really want to get this alright.
Thanks very much for your attention!
João Mário Martinho
Na verdade, você tem que remover o arte-finalista.
Remova o link que executa o rolo tinteiro.
Remova as linhas de óleo de ambos os lados do arte-finalista.
Remova a tampa de chapa na perseguição de trinco (se ele está lá).
Retire os quatro parafusos nos cantos da arte finalista.
Peça a alguém para ajudar a levantar o arte-finalista para cima.
NOTA: Existem calços nos quatro cantos do arte-finalista. Mantê-los em ordem!
Limpe a bagunça, o serviço de distribuidores e instalar inker volta.
Não é um grande projeto, na verdade, bastante satisfatória depois que é feito e tudo está limpo.
OK, sobre o compartimento sob a fonte:
De acordo com a fonte é o sistema de lubrificação central.
Deve ser uma alavanca cromada com um botão vermelho ou preto na extremidade.
Olhando por trás da máquina para a frente, na área imediatamente em frente ao reservatório de óleo que você vai encontrar as distribuidoras de petróleo. Eles se parecem com os tubos de comprimento variável que têm linhas de óleo de cobre ligados.
Se você não consegue ver isto, então toda a área está repleta de crud tinta e outros e precisa ser limpo completamente para expor os distribuidores.
Uma vez limpo, eu remover cada distribuidor individual com uma 11mm. chave e certifique-se que ele é limpo por dentro.
Faça um de cada vez que você não misturá-las.
Ao apertar-los de volta na posição, não ser mais agressivo com a chave, basta ter certeza que eles têm um abeto confortável para que eles não escapam.
Após a limpeza e substituição dos distribuidores, olhe para o reservatório na parte inferior e você verá um dreno.
Retire a ficha, drenar todo o óleo fora e lave o reservatório com querosene para obter qualquer lamas para fora.
Encha o reservatório com óleo até o nível correto e testar a bomba, puxando a alavanca até sentir resistência pesada.
Eu gosto de desligar várias das linhas de petróleo, cobre e certifique-se que eu veja o óleo que sai quando a alavanca é puxada.
Não se esqueça de reinstalá-los antes de executar.
Petróleo a imprensa antes da primeira corrida.
Puxe a alça com a imprensa até que você veja o óleo que sai do rolamento visível na parte externa da imprensa sobre o lado do volante que a tinta se transforma no grande tambor. Esse é um bom indicador de que o sistema está oleada para cima.
Repetir após 15 minutos de corrida e você está pronto para ir.
Use a bomba de lubrificação central a cada hora de começar o dia, e se você está rodando o dia todo, novamente após o almoço ..
linegauge, sorry for the “pain in the ass”, and without beign rude, the automatic translators are awefull, they understand everything wrong.
can you make a drawing please? It’s ok if it’s too much…
thank you!
Glad to know the translators are not worth the time. I will make a detailed sheet with pictures on how to do the work. I’ve needed to do this for some time for people like yourselves that want to get the most from their machines. I will get it out this week if possible. Stay tuned.
thanks :D
hi again! I would like to know what paint can I use to repaint my Original Heidelberg… to prevent rusting.
p.s. would like to know also how to remove the inker above oil distributors…