Pantone Inks, yellow 012

Hello. I’m still new to this and I’m sure that I am missing something obvious. Wondering if someone could clarify.

I am looking to mix Pantone 7583, which contains yellow 012. I’m currently using Van Sons rubber based inks, but it seems like Van Sons doesn’t make yellow 012 in rubber.

Am I expected to mix oil and rubber based inks to create Pantone 7583, or I am only to make this as an oil blend.


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I’m sure you can make PMS 7583 with rubber base ink, even though you can’t get 012 yellow. 012 yellow is very close to Pantone yellow; the difference being that 012 yellow is very slightly more to the orange (or warm red) side.

I would make PMS 7583 by substituting Pantone yellow for the 012 yellow. If your ink doesn’t match the Pantone swatch of 7583, you should be able to fix it by adding an EXTREMELY SMALL amount of orange or warm red. Try adding a rediculously small amount of orange or warm red at first, and see what it looks like. It is always easy to add more, but you obviously can’t take it out if you add too much. If you want a number, I would try adding .5% (1/200th) of the weight of the batch you make, or maybe even less. As I said, if this isn’t enough, you can always add more.

I don’t have a current PMS book, but from what I can see on the web, PMS 7583 is a brown. Since browns are dirty colors (or some say less brilliant, or low in chroma), you may not even be able to see an objectionable difference with the match using Pantone yellow instead of 012, even without adding additional orange or warm red.

For the record, you should be able to make any color with any type of ink (oil or rubber base). There may be a very few exceptions, but this brown is certainly not going to be a problem

Hi John,

You can go ahead and make your own pantone Yellow 012, like Geoffrey says. I’ve mixed a version using 106u as my baseline and the end color (a dirty green) was spot on.

Good luck!

Thanks for the clarity guys!