polymer plates
can some you tell me, I have undeveloped polymer plates (PPM H 100 type)which i kept in storage for may be a year now, are they still ok to use with the PSE-A4 Photopolymer Platemaker.
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can some you tell me, I have undeveloped polymer plates (PPM H 100 type)which i kept in storage for may be a year now, are they still ok to use with the PSE-A4 Photopolymer Platemaker.
How were they stored?
Although there is a shorter recommended shelf-life, I have processed plates three years after purchase and still had useable plates. I’m only using steel-back plates, can’t speak about film-back.
I do notice that one sign of age is when the contrasting layer on top of these particular HX plates washes off with the unexposed photopolymer.
They are wraped in black plastic and stored in filing cabinet. also the plates are metal back, parallel_imp when you mention HX plates are they different than the PPM/H 100 plates? excuse my ignorance but i am new to this game
HX is particular kind of Rigilon plate with a top layer that is a different color from the underlying photopolymer. This makes the image easier to see and inspect than a plate where surface is the same color as the body.
I’m not familiar with PPM/H, can’t comment on them.
From my understanding, PPM/H plates are Photopolymer Plates for Hot Foil. They are typically backed with a fiberboard that is able to be cut with scissors. Either way, since you’ve kept the material blocked from UV light, your plate should be fine to process. I assume you’ve kept it stored on a flat surface?
they are wraped in the black plastic and kept in an envelope in an upright possition with very little disturbance
experamenting with bubble jet ptinter to print on vellum paper 80 grm to burn photopolymer plate has a pearl semi transparent finish and gives a resonably dence black print.
Has anyone tryed this before and what was the result can’t afford to send away to have plates made.