New (to me) wood type
The newest addition to our type collection, a full font of 25 line Cooper arrived today. Simply beautiful font… almost all of it never inked before.
I am beginning to think that I will need to throw an inking party if I ever use the font
Cooper 25 line Hamilton Wood Type
The face is Cooper Black.
Cooper (or Cooper Oldstyle) is a much thinner ‘normal’ weight face are rarely seen anymore.
Coop Oldstyle is mighty rare in type
but there’s digital foundry version.
Oz Handicraft is available as a digital font
but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in lead.
Cooper’s designs had a lot of kick.
Thank you for the clarification. Cooper Black it is. I still am very happy to own the font.
There is a classic funny documentary/publicity on Veer for this typeface.