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The Braddock News is a letterpress museum that is part of the South Central Threshing Association, Inc. and is located near tiny Braddock, N.D. The association has an annual threshing bee and antique show the first weekend after Labor Day. During the two-day show, volunteers operate letterpresses, including an 1891 Walter Scott Pony Press (added in 2013), an 1895 Babcock Standard, an Alden’s Model Press and a 12x18 Chandler & Price press. The museum has an Intertype and Model 8 Linotype, both non-operating, on display. Typesetting (without casting) on a Model 14 Linotype is demonstrated. The shop is set up like a weekly newspaper around 1885-1920. Many smaller letterpress items are on display. The museum opens for special tours, including visits arranged by schools.