Looking for Letterpress Instruction - Madison, WI
Hello -
I’m new to Letterpress and would love to sign up for a workshop or private hourly instruction. Also, if you happen to operate a Golding Press that would be definite a bonus. I am willing to travel a few hours, too. Any other leads or thoughts are also welcome. Thank you.
i’m about a 1 hour drive from you. if you want i’d be happy to give you a few lessons. Just hop a plane to Boston, rent a car and i’m an hours drive south.
There is a place up in Minneapolis that offers letterpress classes. Among other things, they have a Golding Pearl there. You might be able to arrange some private lessons on that press with the fine gentleman that teaches the classes there. It would probably be a 4.5-5 hour drive from Madison.
Have you checked with the art department at the University of Wisconsin? Also, you might check with the local senior center; there could be a retired letterpress printer right there in Madison who could give you lessons. Sometimes, good leads can come from posting a “wanted” note on the bulletin board at a local church, grocery store, or apartment complex that caters to older people.
You might wish to contact Polka Press, a cooperative in Madison. They’re printmakers, not letterpress printers, but I know that several of the people involved in it are also letterpress printers. http://polka-press.com/
There is also the Silver Buckle Press, which is the letterpress printing department of the Univ. of Wisconsin Madison library. Tracy Honn runs it. I don’t think that they do regular training or workshops, but, as with Polka, it would be a good starting place. http://silverbucklepress.library.wisc.edu/
Raky Press near Madison also does lovely work (and they were operating a Golding Pearl at TeslaCon last year, for which I made the roller trucks). I’m not sure if they’re thinking of doing instruction now or not; drop me a note offlist and I’ll put you in touch with them.
(Dick - if Boston is an hour away from Madison, Wisconsin, then I’m in deep, deep trouble, as I’ve always lived under the assumption that Boston’s infamously dangerous secondhand bookstores were a safe 1200 miles away! :-)
David M.
(50 miles west of Madison, but I’m a typefounder, not a printer)
dmm at lemur dot com
You could post to Ladies of Letterpress (Laddies are welcome to join too). Perhaps you could find someone near you on that website to help.
There’s a nice printing museum in one of the libraries on campus, active and run by students. I visited once and sorry not to have more info. Neil