Heavy Color Paper Stock

Does anyone know where I can purchase pre cut (5.5 x 7), heavy stock colored paper?

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www.letterpresspaper.com sell things like that. I’m sure there are other sources as well.

Michael Hurley
Titivilus Press
Memphis, TN

French Paper Co. makes a 140# in several colors http://www.frenchpaper.com/paper/by-weight/cover-weight/140.html

Arturo comes precut in many standard invitation sizes and in several different colors. You can find it on Letterpress Paper (.com) and also places like Dick Blick, etc.

I agree that Mr French has some excellent paper, but it’s max weight is 140#. Their 100# paper comes in even more colors than their 140#, but it depends on the weight that you’re looking for. The smallest sheet size is 8.5x11, so you’ll have to cut it down yourself.

Heavy stock colored paper + letterpress = Colorplan.

PDA Card and Craft, UK, http://www.pdacardandcraft.co.uk/ sells Colorplan in single sheets standard or relative small minimums cut to size or duplex.
Gott grüß die Kunst

In the US, you can get colorplan from:


Another option is Crane’s Colors, also available from paperworks:


but I think not in large sheets. You can get larger sheets from Paper Papers.