Heidelberg Platen motor question
I am having issues with the motor on my Heidelberg Platen 10 x 15.
When I push the start button now all the motor does is moan and groan, no turning. I need to push the flywheel to get it going, then no issues. I ma not “motor savvy” to know what the problem might be.
Thank you all for the help through the years and happy holidays to all!
First thought would be, (assuming you are running 3 phase motor) artificial or otherwise, there is partial failure of one phase, probably the one that energizes the contactor/solenoid for all three, generally 3 phase motor will run of off 2 phases but as you imply will need *push start* Substitute HUNTING for Your Moan & Groan.??
First and probably ONLY first line of attack should be Qualified sparks inspection,!! but D.I.Y. phase test is possible, one of the Good Buddies Stateside has already implied/published same on B.P. fairly recently.
Do you own any other 3 phase appliance that can be overplugged/plugged in.?? to verify.??
My guess is you bought this press recently and it previously sat for a while?
My first windmill did the exact same thing. Never changed a thing on it and it works fine now. It just needs a little love (oil & time) to get everything moving freely.
Your motor will have a wiring diagram on the plate, make sure it’s wired for the correct voltage. Usually there’s a high/low configuration.
Also you can take the belt off the flywheel and turn the motor on. Make sure it’s spinning the correct way.
If it is a single phase motor, it could be the starting capacitor
jhenry has the right idea if a single phase motor, it could be the starting capacitor or start switch. If 3 phase it could be in the motor or the starting switch or contactor have seen many 3 phase switches or contactors with overloads one of the 3 have failed or tripped.
We are closed for the holidays.
So I will check it out when we return.
Thank you all for the response.
Happy Holidays to all!!